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Art Boss Formula FREE Bootcamp

    • Spend 5 Days at the FREE bootcamp and walk away with your path to creating consistent monthly income by selling your artwork online. 
    • Stop avoiding the online market simply because it sounds too hard to figure out!  What if creating consistent monthly income just comes down to math! 
    • Build out your path to revenue streams so that you can continue to do what you love… CREATE

    Meet Karen Ahuja

     I am an ex-corporate girl turned stay-at-home mom turned “I don’t want to go back to the corporate world so I started my own art business” girl.  

     My art business exploded when I stopped dabbling at selling my art and began to take control of the whole process from creation to sales. 

    I sell my artwork in galleries and to art licensing companies but I was never able to pull through the final sales because I do not have access to the buyers.  Stop paying for your leads and then giving your contacts away!

    At the Art Boss Formula, we walk through the path to the sale and create a simple framework that allows you to elevate your brand, build your business and create consistent monthly income.

    “I am so excited to be a part of Karen’s coaching group! Finally a chance to market my artwork without being hampered by my wheelchair! My disability has limited me enough so I cannot drive and cannot pack my works on a canvas bigger than 9×12 to send to buyers or galleries. But hopefully, with success through Momentum Art I can eventually hire someone to help me with things! Thank you Fostar Art for the opportunity to make a living doing what I love in the comfort of my home.”

    ~Erika Nelson

    “Learning about art licensing is an investment in my art business. I know that I have to find unique ways to compete with the commercial art market. Having my artwork in national retailers has helped me to sell more of my originals on my website.”


    ~Shawna St. James

    “I am a professional website designer and graphic artist so Momentum is a game changer for me. I can continue to work full time and gain income from my art-making too!”


    ~Mistie Lain

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